Wednesday, 1 February 2012

MPs say Parliament was misled over need for nuclear power

A cross-party group of MPs and experts says the government misled parliament over the need to build a new fleet of nuclear power stations. The group, which includes Green Party Leader, Caroline Lucas MP, claims ministers distorted evidence and presented a false summary of the analysis they had commissioned to MPs.

Now why doesn't that surprise me?

Caroline Lucas MP said: "Despite claiming that it wants an open debate on the UK's energy future, the government has already made it clear in the proposals for electricity market reform and in its dismissive response to the Fukushima disaster that it is betting its money on nuclear. Given what we know about the strength of nuclear industry lobbying, there needs to be far greater transparency around the decisions that will determine where our electricity comes from in ten or 20 years time."

She added: "With other countries turning away from nuclear power, MPs and the public must be told the truth about how we can achieve energy security and a genuinely green economy."

Read more here in The Guardian.

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