Sunday 11 September 2011

Caroline Lucas appeals to Lib Dem members to jump ship and join the Greens

At the Green Party conference in Sheffield, Leader Caroline Lucas called for Lib Dem members to turn their back on the coalition government and on the Lib Dems leadership. Here's what she said:

"This is not a true coalition. This is a Tory government being kept in power by the Lib Dems. It's no wonder the people of Sheffield gave them a bloody nose in this year's local elections.

"In a coalition, the idea is that both sides get some of what they want. But with this so-called coalition, the Conservatives have everything, and the Lib Dems get a bodged referendum that wasn't even in their manifesto. And what a sad irony that their own unpopularity in the country helps lose them that referendum.

"Of course, the Lib Dems have five seats in Cabinet. What a chance to make a difference. We have Chris Huhne there responsible for clean energy and fighting climate change. Yet in the past few months alone, his Government has slashed support to marine renewables, caused chaos in the solar industry, promoted new deep water drilling, and given the green light to shale gas fracking.

"Then there's Vince Cable at Industry. Whose sole idea for more employment seems to be boosting the arms trade? Who missed the chance to see Northern Rock turned back into a mutual, rather than sold off to the highest bidder? And who has failed to secure the far-reaching banking regulation that he once promised.

"We have Danny Alexander at the Treasury. And one of his top ideas for reducing the deficit? Selling off our forests.

"And Nick Clegg, of course. The Minister for meeting angry people and being shouted at. Is it any wonder, then, that people inside and outside the Liberal Democrat party are asking - if we're not getting what we want, why stay in?

"But it's worse than that. The Lib Dems aren't getting what they want. But they're also helping the Tories give the rest of us things we don't want, and never voted for. Like privatization of the NHS. Like the cuts in services. Like £9,000 tuition fees.

"That's not why most people voted Lib Dem last year. Not in Sheffield. Not in Eastleigh. Not in constituencies across the SW of England. Not on the university campuses. And is it any wonder that former Lib Dem supporters are increasingly turning to the Green Party?

"A party whose members decide policy, and whose elected representatives stick to their principles, and still get things done. Now, in this hall today are people from all kinds of different backgrounds. Former Conservatives. Former Labour. Many people who would never have been involved in politics at all if it hadn't been for the Greens. We welcome you all.

"But I have a special message for those Lib Dem supporters who are beginning to despair of the path their leadership has taken them down. If you became involved in politics to serve your local community, to protect the environment, or to challenge inequality, then join us. We are working for the same ends. You'll find many former Lib Dems among our ranks. And your contribution to politics in our country is more valuable than ever."

And that's why I joined the Greens!

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