Sunday, 1 January 2012

There is a Greener, fairer alternative

As 2011 lurches into 2012 it sometimes feels like the world is falling apart. The financial system is close to collapse. The coalition government’s cuts agenda has driven unemployment to its highest level for 17 years. And the recent climate negotiations in Durban achieved little. Global carbon emissions are rising faster than ever. Climate scientists say disaster is imminent.

It doesn’t have to be like this. There is another way, a greener, fairer way.
  • The Greens would not spend money on pointless military hardware like Trident missiles or senseless wars like Afghanistan.
  • The Greens would create new green jobs in energy efficiency and renewables, and protect frontline services.
  • The Greens would put in place policies to rein in the power of speculators, the City of London and unaccountable corporations.
Green Party Leader, Caroline Lucas (seen above at Occupy London), has been recognised by the prestigious Political Studies Association as the MP who most influenced the political agenda in 2011. Since her election in 2010, the UK's first Green MP has made a significant impact through her work on issues such as fuel poverty, corporate tax avoidance and parliamentary reform.

The influence of the Greens is increasing in other countries too. They are now the third largest party in Germany and run five out of 16 state parliaments. In New Zealand’s recent general election the Greens won 14 out of 120 seats - their best ever result.

Wherever Greens are elected they push for greener, fairer policies.

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